
My publications are also listed on my Google Scholar profile.


  • Isaac Boixaderas et al. DRAM errors and Cosmic Rays: Space Invaders or Science Fiction?. Accepted to the IEEE/SBC 36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2024).

  • Sai Narasimhamurthy et al. ETP4HPC's SRA 6. Strategic Research Agenda for High-Performance Computing in Europe. December 2024. web pdf

  • Marc Duranton et al. HiPEAC Vision 2025. web

  • Omar Shaaban. Optimization techniques for distributed task-based programming models. PhD thesis. 1 October 2024. Advisor: Paul M. Carpenter. UPCommons pdf

  • Ahmad Tarraf et al. Malleability in Modern HPC Systems: Current Experiences, Challenges, and Future Opportunities. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS). doi

  • Omar Shaaban, Juliette Fournis d'Albiat, Isabel Piedrahita, Vicenç Beltran, Paul Carpenter, Eduard Ayguade and Jesus Labarta. Leveraging Iterative Applications to Improve the Scalability of Task-Based Programming Models on Distributed Systems. preprint bibtex doi

  • Isaac Boixaderas, Sergi Moré, Javier Bartolome, David Vicente, Petar Radojkovic, Paul Carpenter and Eduard Ayguade. RL-based Adaptive Mitigation of Uncorrected DRAM Errors in the Field. Accepted to 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. HPDC 2024. doi preprint bibtex


  • Jaume Abella, Leonidas Kosmidis, Thomas Hoberg and Paul Carpenter. Here to stay: specialized and heterogeneous computing. In HiPEAC Vision 2024. web

  • Artur Garcia-Saez, Christian Gamrat, Harm Munk and Paul Carpenter. Qubits and pieces: Developments and Perspectives in Quantum Computing. In HiPEAC Vision 2024. web

  • Marc Duranton, Paul Carpenter, Koen De Bosschere, Thomas Hoberg, Charles Robinson, Tullio Vardanega, Olivier Zendra. HiPEAC Vision 2024. pdf

  • Felippe Vieira Zacarias. Job Scheduling for Disaggregated Memory in High Performance Computing Systems. PhD thesis. 9 October 2023. Advisor: Paul Carpenter pdf bibtex

  • Felippe Vieira Zacarias, Paul Carpenter and Vinicius Petrucci. Dynamic Memory Provisioning on Disaggregated HPC Systems. MTSA'23: Workshop on Memory Technologies, Systems, and Applications pdf bibtex doi


  • Jimmy Aguilar Mena. Methodology for malleable applications on distributed memory systems. PhD thesis. 23 November 2022. Advisor: Paul M. Carpenter. pdf bibtex

  • Omar Shaaban, Jimmy Aguilar Mena, Vicenç Beltran, Paul Carpenter, Eduard Ayguade and Jesus Labarta Mancho. Automatic aggregation of subtask accesses for nested OpenMP-style tasks. SBAC-PAD 2022 pdf bibtex doi

  • Jimmy Aguilar Mena, Omar Shaaban, Victor Lopez, Marta Garcia, Paul Carpenter, Eduard Ayguade, and Jesus Labarta. Transparent load balancing of MPI programs using OmpSs-2@Cluster and DLB. ICPP2022. pdf bibtex doi

  • Jimmy Aguilar Mena, Omar Shaaban, Vicenç Beltran, Paul Carpenter, Eduard Ayguade, and Jesus Labarta. OmpSs-2@Cluster: Distributed memory execution of nested OpenMP-style tasks. European Conference on Parallel Processing, Euro-Par 2022 pdf bibtex doi.


  • Felippe Vieira Zacarias, Vinicius Petrucci, and Paul Carpenter. Memory Demands in Disaggregated HPC: How Accurate Do We Need to Be? PMBS Workshop 2021 draft bibtex doi Best Short Paper Award

  • Felippe Vieira Zacarias, Vinicius Petrucci, and Paul Carpenter. Improving HPC System Throughput and Response Time using Memory Disaggregation. ICPADS 2021 pdf doi

  • Felippe Vieira Zacarias, Vinicius Petrucci, Rajiv Nishtala, Paul Carpenter, and Daniel Mosse. Intelligent Colocation of Server Workloads. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC). pdf bibtex doi

  • Petar Radojković, Paul Carpenter, Pouya Esmaili-Dokht, Rémy Cimadomo, Henri-Pierre Charles, Abu Sebastian, and Paolo Amato. Processing in Memory: The Tipping Point. ETP4HPC White Paper. pdf Zenodo bibtex

  • Olivier Aumage, Paul Carpenter, and Siegfried Benkner. Task-Based Performance Portability in HPC. ETP4HPC White Paper. pdf Zenodo bibtex

  • Paul Carpenter, Utz-Uwe Haus, Erwin Laure, Sai Narasimhamurthy, Estela Suarez. Heterogeneous
    High Performance Computing. ETP4HPC White Paper. pdf Zenodo.


  • Isaac Boixaderas, Javier Bartolome, Paul M. Carpenter, Darko Zivanovic, David Vicente, Petar Radojkovic, Sergi More, Marc Casas, and Eduard Ayguade. Cost-Aware Prediction of Uncorrected DRAM Errors in the Field. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, SC'20. pdf bibtex doi

  • Rajiv Nishtala, Vinicius Petrucci, Paul Carpenter, Magnus Sjalander. Twig: Multi-Agent Task Management for Colocated Latency-Critical Cloud Services. 26th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 26). 2020. pdf bibtex doi

  • Felippe Vieira, Rajiv Nishtala and Paul Carpenter. Contention-aware Application Performance Prediction for Disaggregated Memory Systems. Computing Frontiers 2020. pdf bibtex doi

  • Behzad Salami et al. LEGaTO: Low-Energy, Secure, and Resilient Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing. DATE 2020. pdf bibtex doi


  • Milan Radulovic, Rommel Sanchez Verdejo, Paul Carpenter, Petar Radojković, Bruce Jacob and Eduard Ayguadé. PROFET: Modeling System Performance and Energy Without Simulating the CPU. ACM SIGMETRICS 2019, Phoenix, Arizona. pdf bibtex doi

  • Luis Garrido. Virtualization techniques for memory resource exploitation. PhD thesis. 26 November 2019. Advisor: Paul Carpenter. Grade: Excel·lent pdf bibtex UPCommons

  • Felippe Zacarias, Vinicius Petrucci, Rajiv Nishtala, Paul Carpenter and Daniel Mosse. Intelligent Colocation of Workloads for Enhanced Server Efficiency. 31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2019) pdf bibtex doi.

  • Darko Zivanovic, Pouya Esmaili-Dokht, Sergi More, Javier Bartolome, Paul Carpenter, Petar Radojkovic and Eduard Ayguade. DRAM Errors in the Field: A Statistical Approach. MEMSYS 2019 pdf bibtex doi.

  • Luis Garrido, Rajiv Nishtala and Paul Carpenter. Continuous-Action Reinforcement Learning for Memory Allocation in Virtualized Servers. VHPC 2019. pdf bibtex doi

  • Renan Fischer e Silva and Paul M. Carpenter. TCP Proactive Congestion Control for East–West Traffic: the Marking Threshold. The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (Computer Networks), Volume 151, 14 March 2019, Pages 1-11. pdf bibtex doi

  • Luis Garrido, Rajiv Nishtala and Paul Carpenter. SmarTmem: Intelligent Management of Transcendent Memory in a Virtualized Server. RADR Workshop, 2019. pdf bibtex doi

  • Rajiv Nishtala, Paul Carpenter and Xavier Martorell. Performance effects on HPC workloads of global memory capacity sharing. MULTIPROG Workshop. 21 January 2019. pdf bibtex


  • Kyunghun Kim et. al. Toward Developing a Unimem OFI Provider for MPI Support. EuroMPI 2018 (poster) pdf.

  • Milan Radulovic, Kazi Asifuzzaman, Darko Zivanovic, Nikola Rajovic, Guillaume Colin de Verdière, Dirk Pleiter, Manolis Marazakis, Nikolaos Kallimanis, Paul Carpenter, Petar Radojković and Eduard Ayguadé, Mainstream vs. Emerging HPC: Metrics, Trade-offs and Lessons Learned. SBAC-PAD 2018 pdf bibtex doi

  • Adrian Cristal, Osman S. Unsal, Xavier Martorell, Paul Carpenter, et al. LEGaTO: First Steps Towards Energy-Efficient Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, SAMOS XVIII, July 15--19, Greece. slides pdf bibtex doi

  • Renan Fischer e Silva, E-EON Energy-Efficient and Optimized Networks for Hadoop. PhD thesis, 3 May 2018. Advisor: Paul Carpenter. Grade: Excel·lent cum laude. pdf bibtex UPCommons

  • Milan Radulovic, Kazi Asifuzzaman, Paul Carpenter, Petar Radojković and Eduard Ayguadé. HPC benchmarking: scaling right and looking beyond the average. Euro-Par 2018. pdf bibtex doi

  • Karthikeyan Saravanan and Paul Carpenter. PerfBound: Conserving energy with bounded overheads in On/Off-based HPC Interconnect. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 67, Issue: 7, July 1 2018. pdf bibtex doi


  • Rajiv Nishtala, Paul Carpenter, Vinicius Petrucci and Xavier Martorell. The Hipster Approach for Improving Cloud System Efficiency. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Volume 35, Issue 3. pdf bibtex doi

  • Renan Fischer e Silva and Paul Carpenter. Energy Efficient Ethernet on MapReduce Clusters: Packet Coalescing To Improve 10GbE Links. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 25, Issue 5. pdf bibtex doi

  • Luis A. Garrido and Paul Carpenter. vMCA: Memory Capacity Aggregation and Management in Cloud Environments. IEEE 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE ICPADS 2017). pdf bibtex doi

  • Renan Fischer e Silva and Paul Carpenter. Interconnect Energy Savings and Lower Latency Networks in Hadoop Clusters: The Missing Link. 42nd Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2017 pdf bibtex doi

  • Renan Fischer e Silva and Paul Carpenter. High Throughput and Low Latency on Hadoop Clusters using Explicit Congestion Notification: The Untold Truth. IEEE Cluster 2017. pdf bibtex doi

  • Alvise Rigo et al. Paving the way towards a highly energy-efficient and highly integrated compute node for the Exascale revolution: the ExaNoDe approach. Euromicro Symposium on Digital System Design, DSD 2017. pdf bibtex doi

  • Luis Garrido and Paul Carpenter. Aggregating and Managing Memory Across Computing Nodes in Cloud Environments. 12th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC'17). pdf bibtex doi
  • Ugljesa Milic, Alejandro Rico, Paul Carpenter and Alex Ramirez. Sharing the Instruction Cache Among Lean Cores on an Asymmetric CMP for HPC Applications. International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2017). pdf bibtex doi

  • Darko Zivanovic, Milan Pavlovic, Milan Radulovic, Hyunsung Shin, Jongpil Son, Sally A. McKee, Paul M. Carpenter, Petar Radojkovic and Eduard Ayguade. Main Memory in HPC: Do We Need More, or Could We Live With Less? ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Volume 14, Issue 1, April 2017. pdf bibtex doi

  • Gina Alioto, Paul Carpenter, Christophe Avare, Marcus Leich, Adrián Cristal and Osman Unsal. RETHINK big: European Roadmap for Hardware and Networking Optimizations for Big Data. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2017). pdf bibtex doi

  • Rajiv Nishtala, Paul Carpenter, Vinicius Petrucci, Xavier Martorell. Hipster: Hybrid Task Manager for Latency-Critical Cloud Workloads. 23rd IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 2017). pdf bibtex doi HiPEAC Paper Award

  • Theo Ungerer and Paul Carpenter. EuroLab-4-HPC Long-Term Vision on High-Performance Computing. 2017 pdf bibtex arXiv


  • Renan Fischer e Silva and Paul Carpenter. Controlling Network Latency in Mixed Hadoop Clusters: Do We Need Active Queue Management?. 41st Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2016). pdf bibtex doi

  • Karthikeyan P. Saravanan, Performance-aware Energy Optimisations in Networks for HPC. PhD thesis, 2 November 2016. Advisors: Alex Ramirez, Paul Carpenter. pdf bibtex UPCommons

  • Ugljesa Milic, Paul Carpenter, Alejandro Rico, and Alex Ramirez. Rebalancing the Core Front-End through HPC Code Analysis. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterisation (IISWC 2016). pdf bibtex doi

  • Darko Zivanovic, Milan Radulovic, German Llort, David Zaragoza, Janko Strassburg, Paul Carpenter, Petar Radojkovic and Eduard Ayguade. Large-Memory Nodes for Energy Efficient High-Performance Computing. The International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), 2016. pdf slides bibtex doi Best paper award.

  • Theo Ungerer, Paul Carpenter and Mike Knebel. Preliminary EuroLab-4-HPC Roadmap. 2016. pdf bibtex.

  • Victor Garcia, Alejandro Rico, Carlos Villavieja, Paul Carpenter, Nacho Navarro, and Alex Ramirez. Adaptive Runtime-Assisted Block Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors. International Journal of Parallel Programming, pp.1–21, 2016 pdf bibtex doi.

  • Manolis Marazakis, John Goodacre, Didier Fuin, Paul Carpenter, John Thomson, Emil Matus, Antimo Bruno, Per Stenstrom, Jerome Martin, Yves Durand and Isabelle Dor. EUROSERVER: Share-Anything Scale-Out Micro-Server Design. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2016. pdf bibtex

  • Gina Alioto, Christophe Avare, Paul Carpenter, Marcus Leich and Osman Unsal. Rethink Big Roadmap (European Roadmap for Hardware and Networking Optimizations for Big Data). 2016. pdf bibtex.

  • Petar Radojković, Paul M. Carpenter, Miquel Moretó, Vladimir Čakarević, Javier Verdú, Alex Pajuelo, Francisco J. Cazorla, Mario Nemirovsky and Mateo Valero. Thread Assignment in Multicore/Multithreaded Processors: A Statistical Approach. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 65, Issue 1, Jan. 2016. Featured article of the month. pdf video bibtex doi.


  • Branimir Dickov, Paul M. Carpenter, Miquel Pericas, and Eduard Ayguade. Self-Tuned Software-Managed Energy Reduction in InfiniBand Links. 21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2015. pdf bibtex doi

  • Branimir Dickov. MPI Layer Techniques to Improve Network Energy Efficiency. PhD thesis, 10 December 2015. Advisors: Eduard Ayguade, Paul Carpenter, Miquel Pericas. Excel·lent cum laude. pdf bibtex tdx

  • Karthikeyan P. Saravanan, Paul M. Carpenter and Alex Ramirez. Exploring Multiple Sleep Modes in On/Off based Energy Efficient HPC Networks. 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2015. pdf bibtex doi

  • Renan Fischer e Silva, Paul M. Carpenter. Exploring Interconnect Energy Savings Under East-West Traffic Pattern of MapReduce Clusters. 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2015. pdf bibtex doi


  • Branimir Dickov, Miquel Pericas, Paul Carpenter, Nacho Navarro, and Eduard Ayguade. Analyzing performance improvements and energy savings in Infiniband Architecture using network compression. IEEE 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2014. pdf bibtex doi

  • Yves Durand, Paul M. Carpenter, Stefano Adami, Angelos Bilas, Denis Dutoit, Alexis Farcy, Georgi Gaydadjiev, John Goodacre, Manolis Katevenis, Manolis Marazakis, Emil Matus, Iakovos Mavroidis, and John Thomson. EUROSERVER: Energy Efficient Node for European Micro-servers. Euromicro Symposium on Digital System Design, DSD-2014. pdf bibtex doi

  • Victor Garcia, Alejandro Rico, Carlos Villavieja, Paul Carpenter, Alex Ramirez, and Nacho Navarro. Adaptive Runtime-Assisted Block Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors. Second International Workshop on On-chip memory hierarchies and interconnects: organization, management and implementation, OMHI 2014. pdf Best paper award.

  • Branimir Dickov, Miquel Pericas, Paul Carpenter, Nacho Navarro, and Eduard Ayguade. Software-Managed Power Reduction in Infiniband Links. 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP-2014. pdf bibtex doi

  • Karthikeyan P. Saravanan, Paul M. Carpenter, and Alex Ramirez. A Performance Perspective on Energy Efficient HPC Links. 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing, ICS14. pdf bibtex doi


  • Nikola Rajovic, Paul Carpenter, Isaac Gelado, Nikola Puzovic, Alex Ramirez, and Mateo Valero. Supercomputing with Commodity CPUs: Are Mobile SoCs Ready for HPC? International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC13. pdf bibtex doi Best student paper award

  • Karthikeyan P. Saravanan, Paul M. Carpenter, and Alex Ramirez. Power/Performance evaluation of Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) for High Performance Computing, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), 2013. pdf bibtex doi


  • Petar Radojkovic, Paul M. Carpenter, Miquel Moreto, Alex Ramirez, and Francisco J. Cazorla. Kernel Partitioning of Streaming Applications: A Statistical Approach to an NP-complete Problem, 45th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2012. pdf bibtex doi HiPEAC Paper Award

2011 or before

  • Paul M. Carpenter, Alex Ramirez, and Eduard Ayguade. The Abstract Streaming Machine: Compile-Time Performance Modelling of Stream Programs on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors. Transactions on HiPEAC, 5(3). pdf

  • Harm Munk, Eduard Ayguade, Cedric Bastoul, Paul Carpenter, Zbigniew Chamski, et al. ACOTES Project: Advanced Compiler Technologies for Embedded Streaming. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 39(3) pdf bibtex doi

  • Paul M. Carpenter, Alex Ramirez, and Eduard Ayguade. Starsscheck: A tool to find errors in task-based parallel programs. Euro-Par 2010 pdf bibtex doi

  • Paul M. Carpenter, Alex Ramirez, and Eduard Ayguade. Buffer sizing for self-timed stream programs on heterogeneous distributed memory multiprocessors. HiPEAC 2010 Conference pdf bibtex springerlink

  • Paul M. Carpenter, Alex Ramirez, and Eduard Ayguade. Mapping Stream Programs onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems. 2009 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, CASES 2009pdf bibtex doi
    © ACM 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version is published in CASES 2009

  • Paul M. Carpenter, Alex Ramirez, and Eduard Ayguade. The Abstract Streaming Machine: Compile-time Performance Modelling of Stream Programs on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors. SAMOS Workshop 2009, pages 12–23. pdf bibtex springerlink (best paper award)

PhD thesis

  • Paul M. Carpenter.Running Stream-like Programs on Heterogeneous Multi-core Systems, 24 October 2011, Excel·lent cum laude pdf HTML bibtex tdx